Friday, March 31, 2017

Work and Ignoring Reality

Hi again,

With a new writing and school routine in place it makes life easier and harder. It's easier because when I have those boundaries I don't procrastinate that much. I get what I want done in a timely manner. The bad part is that if my system is disrupted, holy heck it’s a mess. All my discipline goes flying out the window. I try to pick up the pieces of my day and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

My writing has gone excellently. I set daily and weekly goals, which I have been making. Thank you, annoying competitive personality. At my current pace my first draft will be done in a timely matter. Yay! Once that is done I'll put in effect the Drafting Cycles that I previously wrote about. I will actually be working on a different project and I'm psyched!

With my book out to agents I am in a waiting period of sorts. I'm waiting to see what path my life will go depending on if my book gets signed or not. If it doesn't I haven't quite planned out what will happen afterwards. I'm fine with this because I have enough worry and stress running through my mind as it is. I don't have the brain capacity to worry about over things that might not happen. Granted the odds are not looking great for me. Then again the odds aren't that great for first time writers.

My family isn't quite pleased with my hesitancy or (if I'm being brutally honest) sticking my head in the sand. I am merely focusing on one day at a time and that is all I can do.

Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author

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