Friday, June 8, 2018

One Year Annivarsary

I cannot believe it has been a year since I first published A Daughter's Fury. To be honest it feels like I published it last month, not one year ago. How time flies I'll never understand. Many things have happened in the last year; I published the prequel to ADF, I've been writing the sequels and rewriting them (trust me it was necessary). In five short, short months I plan on publishing the second book. Now that's a terrifying thought!

One year ago I was terrified of pushing that tiny little "publish" button but I did it anyway. To be honest, after proofreading that novel 24/7 for several weeks I was sick of it and never wanted to read it again. Then I discovered Smashwords a wonderful self-publishing site that distributes to almost all major sellers; Barns and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Overdrive. To name a few. I had to reformat for Smashwords and I also got a paper book edition up and running on Amazon! Yay!

When I look back it feels like, like my dreams did come true. Before at the moments when my dreams came true, I was exhausted and cranky so I didn't appreciate the moment. I hope I can appreciate the moment when I publish the sequel. Probably not though, I'll probably be worst off than I was with ADF.

Moral of the story publishing is a moment of relief because I can finally shelve that one project. The one year anniversary is when I really appreciate and enjoy the accomplishment of getting that book done!

I really do enjoy the last parts of publishing. Figuring out a kick-ass summary, finding an awesome cover that somehow shows the soul of the story, and of course being able to sleep at night and not fretting over the plot line and character arches. Oh, what a wonderful feeling!

I couldn't have done it without the support of my parents, without my best friend who read whatever I threw at her, my sisters a constant loving support. Thank you so much!

To my readers who took a chance and read A Daughter's Fury and Fire VS Fire, you'll never know how much it means to me to see them being read. Thank you!

Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author