Friday, August 25, 2017

Basics of a Second Draft

Hey all,

Recently I completed the first round of a drafting cycle. I am now working on a second draft. My first, second draft using a new and improved method. My old method, I used while writing ADF. My goal was to write the perfect manuscript in one draft, then do minor tweaking in second and third drafts. Idealistic? Not at all.

I learned from my mistakes and over hauled my first draft goals. Now that my first draft is done, it's time to continue building the foundation. I literally just have the basics down. I'm planning the second draft to be expanding the major details and events that transpire. Really getting those building blocks out there. So that the next draft, I can focus on minor details, and turning words into a story. I like to compare drafts to the process of building a house. You have to have the foundation down before you can do the framing, you need the framing before you can put up walls, and a roof. Then the final draft be all about painting and decorating. The final touches are what make a story pretty, but it has to be solid and strong first.

Everyday I learn something new. My writing improves, my ideas, and my goals. I am definitely learning as I my journey continues.

The good news is, is that when I begin working on my next project I"ll have figured some of this second draft stuff out.


It is a possibility that I'll remain clueless.

All for now. Sincerely,


Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author