Sunday, January 29, 2017

Halfway Through

  Dia duit (hello in Gaelic),

I'm half way through draft # who knows. This round of edits has been insane! It makes all my other drafts look like cake walks. The time I spent way from my novel did me a lot of good. When I got back to it and started reading I tore into it, there has been no mercy. Before, if I read something, something that I wasn't completely happy with but it was adequate I left it. That is not happening this time. This novel is going to be the absolute best that it can possibly be. Plus, I really only want there to be one more draft. I'm tired and I want it done.

I love writing and editing with either a TV show, movie, or music playing. I recently finished this TV show on Netflix and I loved it. I wanted to listen to music while I continued to edit though. I just didn't know what I wanted to listen to. Correction I knew I just didn't know what it was called or where to find it. So I went on to Pandora just hoping maybe I could figure it out. There is was on my recommendations. Hans Zimmer (composer) radio. It is perfection.

I'm done going through my book. Let me tell you if I had used a red pen it would've looked like it was hemorrhaging. Now comes the kind of easy but monotone point making all the changes onto my computer. So fun... but hey after that I get to work on developing the next book in the series for a week or two. Then comes the last draft (fingers crossed) where the book gets polished and gorgeous.

It is time to begin updating my computer. Let the games begin!



RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nearing the End

Hi again,

After the conclusion of The Waiting Game it is now the start of a new cycle. It is now time to compile all the notes I requested. I will print out my Master Copy. I read all the remarks from the reviewed copies and note them into my Master Copy. Laying out the collection of marked reviews, my MC, a dictionary, and my brand new competent thesaurus (ekk!!!) onto my work space (aka bed). Let the games begin!

I have been waiting for this for weeks but now that I can actually start working on it. I'm terrified, nervous, and vaguely nauseous, I plan for this to be my second to last round of editing. That means soon I will have a finished polished manuscript ready to be sent out to literary agents. That however is a whole other can of worms that I'm excited for but frankly I will probably hurl when I get there. This round I plan on doing the majority of changes also changing the story line so it both fits and sounds better. Hopefully I have enough caffeinated tea in the house to carry me through all the changes. Sometimes in my last rounds of edits I had a nice long list of things to fix but half way through I would get frustrated and stop then take a week and start another round. Times like this is when you need to take breaks. Go for a walk, take a hot bath or shower, eat something that's actually healthy. Point is you have to ration out your endurance. Marathon runners usually use a nine-minute jog one-minute walk to conserve energy and take a break while running twenty-six miles.

With my goals set and tea brewing I say Au Revoir

Thank you for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Patience. What patience?

  Hello again,

As I'm nearing the end of The Waiting Game and the nerves of those horrid what if's are now thankfully over. Though I doubt truly gone. My mind is now itching to start working on the next stage. My fingers are pulsating as the need to write sinks into my soul, mind, and body. My mind racing with new ideas, questions. This energy is a writer’s paradise, or at least mine. But it’s quite inconvenient when I won't allow myself to work on my writing. Why I won't I allow myself to work on the pain in my neck aka my beloved novel, some may ask. The truth is I don't remember! 

Anyway here I am reading every novel that looks remotely interesting. I love my online library! It's the best thing invented after cupcakes! I mean who doesn't love mini cakes? Speaking of which I made cupcakes last night, it didn't go exactly as planned but hey they still taste good. This has been a good time to catch up on chores, proper eating, and if you remember my first blog bathing. That's all I have to say about that.

I really enjoy baking and cooking which is good cause I'm climbing the walls waiting for another copy for two of my book so I can get back to work. However, I don't care so much for the dishes but there is plenty of sweeping to do. I am one of the weird three percent of the population that is allergic, sensitive, or have Celiac Disease. I am more sensitive or allergic thankfully having Celiac is a nasty disease to have. Anyway converting from being 'normal' and being able to eat anything within reason to being Gluten Free it's a big change. Especially when you realize what it is. Gluten is a protein most commonly found in wheat flour. Wheat flour is the most basic ingredient that found in just about everything proceeded and in many foods served in restaurants.

If you’re like me you buy boxed cake, brownies, pancakes. Well what you know and what you like is about to go out the window. I was lucky when I was diagnosed with being Gluten Free that was when stores started carrying gluten free products. At that time the only things really out were flours so now I had to experiment and find the best flours that worked best with my favorite recipes. Normal wheat flour is fundamentally different from oat flour, rice flour, or the many blends you can buy. Wheat flour reacts differently than other flours in say French Breakfast Muffins because the recipe was designed for wheat flour so experimentation is called for to try and make my favorite breakfast treat taste good and edible again.

Later brownie, cake, and cookie mixtures and already made items are now available. Don't get me wrong homemade is the boss but I can be extremely lazy so trying to figure out what brand is the best can be work. I am extremely thankful that the world was very accommodating to my new nutritional needs.

I got a little off subject today so I apologize but like I said I need to write something and I guess talking about Gluten Free was the best thing I could think of. My apologies. While I have nothing to do besides think and dream I want to start researching Literary Agents. Later on I will be writing a post on the pros and cons of going that route when wanting to publish traditionally. I will also bring up the subjects for looking for new agents and New York agents. Apparently there is quite the controversy on whether these are better or even necessary.  

Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author
