Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nearing the End

Hi again,

After the conclusion of The Waiting Game it is now the start of a new cycle. It is now time to compile all the notes I requested. I will print out my Master Copy. I read all the remarks from the reviewed copies and note them into my Master Copy. Laying out the collection of marked reviews, my MC, a dictionary, and my brand new competent thesaurus (ekk!!!) onto my work space (aka bed). Let the games begin!

I have been waiting for this for weeks but now that I can actually start working on it. I'm terrified, nervous, and vaguely nauseous, I plan for this to be my second to last round of editing. That means soon I will have a finished polished manuscript ready to be sent out to literary agents. That however is a whole other can of worms that I'm excited for but frankly I will probably hurl when I get there. This round I plan on doing the majority of changes also changing the story line so it both fits and sounds better. Hopefully I have enough caffeinated tea in the house to carry me through all the changes. Sometimes in my last rounds of edits I had a nice long list of things to fix but half way through I would get frustrated and stop then take a week and start another round. Times like this is when you need to take breaks. Go for a walk, take a hot bath or shower, eat something that's actually healthy. Point is you have to ration out your endurance. Marathon runners usually use a nine-minute jog one-minute walk to conserve energy and take a break while running twenty-six miles.

With my goals set and tea brewing I say Au Revoir

Thank you for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author 

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