Friday, December 23, 2016

The Waiting Game

Dear Humans of Earth,

The Waiting Game- A period of time after you finally get yourself to push that blasted print button and give your precious novel out for review. This is the time when your so tired that you don't even have the energy for hair pulling and those annoying what if questions. Ha Ha until a few weeks later when you haven't heard one thing about that novel. That's when the fun begins.

Outlining future steps- easily done but not so easily followed. If every time I created a checklist for stages of editing and review and stuck to it. I'd be at this point in the game ages ago. However, my novel would not have been as good if I followed those checklists. I am the kind of person where I like lists, itineraries, I like having an idea of what I want done and when. However, that in no way means I will follow them exactly, they are just guiding steps for me.

Patiently waiting time. Now you just sit around and wait. Or you could be one of those annoying people that start working on another book. I however am going to be a lazy person and bask in the accomplishment of where I am and catch up on my sleep and entertain thoughts that do not relate to my book. It's quite nice actually. Since it's the holidays it's a good time to spend time with friends and family, do some decorating and baking! My favorite baking and if possible baking with loved ones.

I love the holidays! The temperature, the cheerfulness, the food, family and friends. It's not a bad time to go through The Waiting Game either. At least there's plenty of things to do in the interim.

Thank you for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!