Friday, March 31, 2017

Work and Ignoring Reality

Hi again,

With a new writing and school routine in place it makes life easier and harder. It's easier because when I have those boundaries I don't procrastinate that much. I get what I want done in a timely manner. The bad part is that if my system is disrupted, holy heck it’s a mess. All my discipline goes flying out the window. I try to pick up the pieces of my day and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

My writing has gone excellently. I set daily and weekly goals, which I have been making. Thank you, annoying competitive personality. At my current pace my first draft will be done in a timely matter. Yay! Once that is done I'll put in effect the Drafting Cycles that I previously wrote about. I will actually be working on a different project and I'm psyched!

With my book out to agents I am in a waiting period of sorts. I'm waiting to see what path my life will go depending on if my book gets signed or not. If it doesn't I haven't quite planned out what will happen afterwards. I'm fine with this because I have enough worry and stress running through my mind as it is. I don't have the brain capacity to worry about over things that might not happen. Granted the odds are not looking great for me. Then again the odds aren't that great for first time writers.

My family isn't quite pleased with my hesitancy or (if I'm being brutally honest) sticking my head in the sand. I am merely focusing on one day at a time and that is all I can do.

Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Starting Over and Waiting


After I finished sending out queries to agents I started working on my second book again. Kind of. Okay. I confess I looked at my second book maybe twice. I have been thinking about writing though. I know it’s horrible. I really need to learn better discipline. From today on my old routine will be re-established! I have work to do I can't be my normal lazy self. I do not want it to take another four years to write a book. No way, over my dead body.

Ha, I actually have a joke running with my friend Marie and my dad. I told them that even if I die all the work is done on the first story for it to be published and if it was good enough I have enough notes, research, and outlines written out for the rest of the series that a ghost writer could take over. Marie liked that joke. I don't think my dad appreciated it though. I wonder why? I'm kidding.

It has been a few weeks and I have gotten a few rejections. Which is surprisingly nice. I rather be told no, and be able to cross them off my list than to wait for months on end hoping. I haven't broken done into tears either which I definitely thought would have happened by now. Ha, give me three months more months and more rejections and I'll probably break down. Not looking forward to that. I hate crying, it gives me a headache. Fun times there. Scientists say crying is good for you. I don't believe that nonsense. Headaches and snot, gross and no thanks.

 Thanks for tuning into RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author. 

Have a good week people.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017



I wanted this blog to be about my journey from closet writer trying to break into the publishing world. Recently I finished my book, began the search for agents and started writing my query letter and synopsis. I began sending out to agent. My heart full of hope and my mind full of fear. The day after I started my first wave of queries I got my first rejection letter. It didn't surprise me but it did hurt. The pain wasn't surprising, but I still it sends shards of doubt into my hope.

My email is connected to my phone, every time I see my phone screen light up I'm wondering is it them? Do they like it? Every time I check my email I'm praying there is news from an agency even if it's bad news. If it's a rejection at least I know someone read it. Someone gave my story a chance. I pray that someone is asking for more of my novel. That someone is reaching out, even though it hasn't even been a week since I sent out the first wave. That's okay though. It's natural, I'm assuming. I trust in the Lord my God. Whatever happens is His will.

However, that doesn't stop be from wanting to check my email every ten minutes (fine every three minutes). Even though my email has a ringer on my phone my fingers itch to check it. I will fight through this obsession.

That reminds me of a lazy Saturday morning I recently spent with my sisters. I was spending the day with two of my sisters and we were all going crazy with some sort of obsession. It was an interesting experience. The second oldest Michelle, she recently lost her dog Sam of twelve years. She has had a hard time dealing with Sam's death because she had to put her down. It had been a week and she's been missing sweet Sam. So Michelle started researching breeds and puppies. She started emailing breeders and going a little nuts trying to get in touch with them. Michelle decided to get an Alaskan Klee Kia so freaking cute.

Elizabeth the third oldest, she's getting married soon and her fiancé was supposed to pick their honeymoon location. But he wanted Elizabeth to fall in love with a place before he booked it. Elizabeth spent hours going through several traveling websites. She had me do some research when she found a place that she liked. All while grumbling about how she didn't want the responsibility of choosing a location because she knew it would drive her mad. It definitely did.

My obsession is obvious. I was checking my email every ten minutes. I tried to distract myself my looking over the plans for my dream house only to start obsessing over that too. It was a good day.

With love,

Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author!