Friday, November 17, 2017

New Cover


I am so excited about this new cover for A Daughter's Fury! It is wonderful. I present to you:

Everyone has secrets. Who knew I had so many.  
Battle scarred seventeen-year-old Alexandra is an orphan and runaway. She's been scouring the country hunting for her father’s killer. Approached by a man, spinning tales about Athena, the Greek Goddess, he claims Athena is her estranged mother. He tells her of a place that can hold off the attacks on her life. Out of desperation she agrees to go. While settling into the Sanctuary of the Heroes with new friends and her half siblings, another hero is found. Alex and two companions are sent to St. Louis. A city Alex swore never to step foot in again. Finding a hero in a big city is no easy task. Alex will make contact with old acquaintances for assistance along the quest. When the hero is found, new troubles arise. Alex must now enlist the help of her lost love to save the hero. With betrayal, hate, and love thick in the air, can the hero be saved? Will Alex ever learn the truth behind her father’s death? 

Available here on Amazon as an ebook, coming soon to Smashwords and coming to print on Amazon!  


Coming Soon!

Hey all,

Exciting news, Fire vs Fire the prequel to A Daughter's Fury will be releasing soon!

Before A Daughter's Fury, Alex went by Kat.
Escaping Chicago and the Antonoly family was bad enough, Kat knows there's a price on her head but she's on a mission. After witnessing her father's murder, Kat is consumed with vengeance. She needs to clear a path to continue her mission.
Stay in St. Louis isn't about locating and getting rid of assassins but rather a chance meeting at a diner. Kat has a plan and meeting Nathan isn't part of it. A man with green eyes that can see into her soul. Kat knows she needs to stay away but she can't.
Nathan isn't just a pretty face with a killer smile, he has his own secrets and a past filled with pain. Nathan knows he's fighting a ghost but he's committed to stealing Kat's broken heart and healing her fractured soul.
Time is running out; Kat's past is on the verge of catching up with her. Is Nathan's love enough to heal Kat or will vengeance consume her whole?

It will be releasing on Amazon and Smashwords for FREE.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Basics of a Second Draft

Hey all,

Recently I completed the first round of a drafting cycle. I am now working on a second draft. My first, second draft using a new and improved method. My old method, I used while writing ADF. My goal was to write the perfect manuscript in one draft, then do minor tweaking in second and third drafts. Idealistic? Not at all.

I learned from my mistakes and over hauled my first draft goals. Now that my first draft is done, it's time to continue building the foundation. I literally just have the basics down. I'm planning the second draft to be expanding the major details and events that transpire. Really getting those building blocks out there. So that the next draft, I can focus on minor details, and turning words into a story. I like to compare drafts to the process of building a house. You have to have the foundation down before you can do the framing, you need the framing before you can put up walls, and a roof. Then the final draft be all about painting and decorating. The final touches are what make a story pretty, but it has to be solid and strong first.

Everyday I learn something new. My writing improves, my ideas, and my goals. I am definitely learning as I my journey continues.

The good news is, is that when I begin working on my next project I"ll have figured some of this second draft stuff out.


It is a possibility that I'll remain clueless.

All for now. Sincerely,


Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Improvements and Goals

Hello again,

For the past five months, I've been writing in drafting cycles. I'm still in the first cycle. Meaning I've only written first drafts and haven't moved onto second drafts.

Book One draft one - Done
Book Two draft one- Done
Book three draft one- Work in Progress
Book One draft two- Hasn't begun

Today I wrote over two thousand words. When I was done, I looked at the words written and pages completed. I noticed my word count- for my half-finished draft- was similar to that of my completed first drafts. Going through the two first drafts that I've written in the last few months, I collected data I considered relevant. Word count, chapters, pages, and time writing.

Data Book One Book Two Book Three (incomplete)

Word Count 36727 27287 27722
Chapters 20 14 14 (out of 31)
Pages 146 108 117
Time 40.5 hours 46.7 hours 38 hours

Something that I noticed is while my time writing hasn't improved. The ability to turn my basic plot line details into a full chapter has improved tremendously. My plot lines are broken down by chapters.

Chapter One- Annie is in the park. She meets Daniel.
Chapter Two- She's troubled by the darkness surrounding Daniel. Issues with Annie's family increase.
Chapter Three- Annie sees Daniel again. She's still troubled by the darkness, but inexplicably drawn to him.

Sometimes I have more details sometimes I just have two words. I have to take that and turn it into 2,000 to 3,000 words. Which is why I'm proud of myself. I'm strengthening my imagination and building myself into the writer I aspire to be. I was telling this all to my best friend and faithful supporter Marie. She also keeps me honest about keeping to my writing goals. I was telling her about this and what I'd have to do in the second drafts to get my word count to where I want it. Explaining that one day I want to be able to do what I do now in two or three drafts and be able to do it in one. It would be amazing. To build a world, characters, have sensory details, and the main plot line done in one draft.

Now that ladies and gentlemen is the dream. Maybe a bit lofty but, since I'm already aiming for the improbable. Let's go for the impossible.

Thanks for reading RawLitCom; True Confessions of an Aspiring Author.