Monday, August 1, 2016

Want to write a book? Me too. Secret truths not talked about

So you want to write a book? Congrats, welcome to the end of your sanity! Let me tell you if your book and its characters are anything like mine I feel sorry for you. If you want to proceed with creating another world, taking ideas and giving them life, and the characters turning basic thoughts into three dimensional characters now is the time to kiss goodbye restful sleep, rejuvenating showers, and eating. I'll get back to that in a minute but trust me it's a real problem. Watching TV and movies you want to watch opposed to what you think will help your book yes it will happen. Unless of course your favorite shows share common points with your book. In that case you lucky duck! Only allowed some much caffeine in a week, well that's more of a suggestion when it comes to coercing and prying scenes from your head, some of which might not even been created yet.

First off let's talk about my statement of restful sleep, rejuvenating showers, and eating. Trying to sleep particularly late at night if like me that's you most creative time. Ideas start popping up step 1 grab your phone or paper write it down so you don't forget. Think about those pages you wrote ten minutes earlier and realize something you mentioned shouldn't have been repeat step 1 for the next day. Have you been trying to figure out how so and so met, all of a sudden it comes to you they met outside a coffee shop, repeat step 1. To tell you the truth sometimes you come up with the most brilliant idea you just can't do step 1 so you drag your exhausted butt out of bed so you can follow up. And maybe an hour later you can actually get some sleep.

Second showering, if you remembered to do that or could pry yourself away from your keyboard. Well your shower is no longer about getting clean it's now focused on calming your thoughts and putting together the jig saw puzzle called a plot line. If you're lucky and have music playing you might get caught up in a song and you'll get some blessed brain silence. Of course there might also be a song that fits a scene or a character so perfectly it's like a mixture of adrenaline and 100% caffeine.

Last but not least, eating. today I drank lots of writing juice (black lemon tea) and the words started pouring off my fingertips. This is after a serious dry spell so I wouldn't dream of taking a five-minute break. After about two hours of nonstop writing I got hungry so I made a plate of spaghetti heated it up but when the timer dinged I didn't get up until another two hours later. I heated up again, after another two hours and five pages later the mojo took a break and I finally ate. Moral of the story keep Mike & Ike's right next to you so when you blood sugar crashes you carry on for another two hours and repeat another two times! And yes this is a true story.

TV? Well part of my story I needed to create a heist so I watched 'The Italian Job', 'Leverage', 'Burn Notice' and of course 'White Collar'. Over and over again until finally something clicked (and no I didn't plagiarize). While I enjoy these shows sometimes I miss watching the Chris's in the Marvel Avenger movies.

Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed the first post on my new blog of the True Confessions of an Aspiring Author!

I would love to hear about your experiences of trying to put your new imaginary friends on paper. Comment bellow!

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