Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Should I or Shouldn't I

Hello again,

Hey all it's been a while and I've been busy and scatterbrained. Mainly scatterbrained; jumping from story to story to different drafts all trying to tie together the A Daughter's Fury series. Working on the second book in the series only to get stuck over and over. I would switch to the third book which was helpful as it gave another point of view to what and who was needed in book two. I would have a break through go back to book two continue writing coming from a different angle only to get stuck again. Over and over. I am living the definition of insanity. Let me tell you it is not an enjoyable experience. 

Every time I talk to someone they ask how my book is going and I have to think about what book I was working on the last time I talked to them. Of course, at that point I was working on two books and like four different drafts, not to mention the drafts I started in my head but not yet put to paper. Fun times. 

While I was trying to nail out a first draft to book two I start to wonder about book one (which is already published) about what I could have done differently. It started with one "oh I should've done this instead" then I would shake my head and try to forget about it. Because honestly ADF was published and I was sick of its face. I love Alex I do but if I have to read one more draft of her first book I might lose my mind. Of course, more and more ideas start coming to me. Old scenes that I originally created (that I hadn't even written done) start to pop up. Thus, the great debate begun.

Should I or Shouldn't I.

With this more avenues begin to open or as I say I started falling down the rabbit hole, again. What if I redo ADF, maybe then I could try traditionally publishing. I tried this before but failed and stopped trying and self-published. I love self-publishing its great I have complete control over everything but how many people buy my book. However traditionally publishing is the Holy Grail. Only those who have been traditionally published and were burned despise it. For the rest of us it is The Dream. 

I also thought about continuing self-publishing and just re-publishing the new version of ADF. That would be great I could reach more readers and still have my current readers. 

Of course, that's hinging on whether or not I do rewrite ADF.

Why I shouldn't.

Because failure sucks, failing at the same thing twice sucks more. I might alienate my readers by changing ADF (even though in my mind it would be better but not everyone would agree) I would be confusing people with the second book if they didn't read the new update. Not to mention I was planning on publishing book two this fall. If I take the time to redo ADF then book two would be postponed until spring/summer of 2019.

Thanks for reading RawLitCom: True Confessions of an Aspiring Author



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